

Crochet a Flower Headband

At long last I have finally caved into mainstream fashion and I've gone and made a flowered headband. You know the ones -- tapered with a big flower on the side? They are cute, don't get me wrong, but I was never into knitting them and then I realized the other day -- I was never into KNITTING them. But what about crochet?

I actually admire's Calorimetry Headband. I've made it before, although slightly altered because I feel as though it's too wide for my head.

But honestly, I hate purling. All you do is knit 2, purl 2 for the whole pattern and it's enough for me to stay away.

Last weekend I set out looking on Ravelry for a simple crochet headband pattern. I ended up finding a crocheted version of the Calorimetry Headband. As a knitter by nature, I needed a crochet pattern I could understand. This one was simple and best of all, much quicker than knitting.

I decided to take this basic pattern and embellish it with a border and a flower. Pizzazz!

But I didn't stop there. In case you don't know me very well, when I get on a new kick I don't stop. So I made five more. Then I decided to double the yarn and WOWEE it made it really pop. So I made four more.

And choosing the button in the back is half the fun!

So how are these pretty headbands made? LET ME TELL YOU!

First, I followed the instructions here but I used a J hook instead. I also think doubling up the yarn is much nicer, but that's up to you. If you only have one ball just make another ball from it or use the end from the inside at the same time as the outside, if that makes sense.

Once you've completed the basic headband, with your contrast color start making single chains all around the outside of the headband. I didn't put the hook into individual stitches, but instead I stuck the hook in the ch2 gaps at each end. When you've gone all the way around, slip stitch into the first SC and weave in all the ends.

View my previous blog post on how to crochet a flower. Then stitch the flower with a darning needle to wherever you'd like the flower to be. Pretty simple!

Photos by Laura Stennett