

Chunky Fingerless Mitts

These fingerless mitts are a Knit Nat original. They knit up quickly -- perfect for the short attention span crafter.

Size 10 double point needles
One ball of cheap chunky yarn or two balls of fancy chunky yarn (pictured above is fancy chunky yarn)
Chunky scrap yarn
Darning Needle

Using 3 double pointed needles, cast on 26 stitches (8, 9, 9)
K1, P1 rib for 13 rows or until the cuff is as long as you desire
Round 14: K4, make 1 stitch in the front and back of next stitch (M1FB). Knit to last stitch on needle and M1FB again. K4 on the next needle and M1FB. Knit to end of needle. K4 on the third needle and M1FB. Knit to end of needle. You have increased the row by 4 stitches and should now have 30 stitches.
Knit 3 rounds
R18: M1, K1, M1, knit to end of round
All odd rounds: K one round
R20: M1, K3, M1, knit to end of round
R22: M1, K5, M1, knit to end of round
R24: M1, K7, M1, knit to end of round
R26: M1, K9, M1, knit to end of round
Knit 4 rounds
Transfer the first 11 stitches to a piece of scrap yarn.
Cast on one stitch. You should now have 30 stitches again.
Knit 6 rounds
K1, P1 rib for 4 rounds
Loosely bind off

Transfer the 11 stitches to two double pointed needles. With third needle, pick up and knit 4 stitches (make sure you leave at least a 6-inch tail of yarn). Knit one round. When you get back to the picked up stitches, K2tog twice, leaving you with 13 stitches total. Knit 5 rounds or till thumb is the length you prefer (you can try the mitt on at this point).
Bind off. Weave in tails. At the crotch of the thumb, use the extra tail to sew up any gaps.

Here is a pair I made with two kinds of worsted yarn knitted at the same time. They turned out really stiff and a little too big for my hands. They fit Stephen's perfectly, but they weren't his colors.

Here's some I made out of inexpensive Lion's Brand chunky yarn.


  1. HI there. Thank you for your generous sharing of the little chunky mitts. I would love to make them for a wonderful VA counselor who drives all over the place and must need warm hands help. BuT what is the gauge you used in the LionBrank "cheap" yarn with all the great colors? I think it might be Amazing but I am lost. LB has so many great yarns. Could you please tell us what gauge we need to use to make these neat little driver's mitts? Thanks again. Alaska! Amazing! Hana

    1. Hi Hana,
      I have never gauged any of my knitting projects. This pattern is for a normal sized woman's hand. I have since given away these mittens and don't have more of the Lion's Brand yarn. I believe the yarn is Tweed Stripes style in Caribbean (, and according to the Lion Brand website, that particular yarn usually gauges at 14.5 stitches in four inches. I've contacted the person whom I gave the mittens to and if I hear back from her, I'll let you the exact gauge for this particular project.

      Sorry I don't have more of a clear answer for you, but thank you for commenting!


  2. That yarn is Caribbean/Tweed Stripes by Lion Brand. It is great yarn to work with, especially for children, teenagers or people allergic to wool in spite of the fact that it is, as Anonymous called it, "cheap". Some people can be so silly in their yarn snobbery. :)

  3. Can a circular needle be used? I'm new to knitting and just learning to read the patterns. I'm having trouble with the dps due to the yarn sliding off. I have several projects that I would love to make but I do not know all the pattern symbols. Keeping it simply for me is a Hugh help. I'm transitioning from crochet to knit.

    1. Hello, I'm so sorry for the delay my response. I have a new blog and I wasn't notified of your comment. I would not recommend using a circular needle for this pattern and the reason is there are too few stitches to easily be worked. I prefer knitting with circular needles but unless you're able to find a really short length (normally they are 16 inches) then it would be tough to knit with one on this particular project.

      Sorry again for the delay and thanks for commenting!

  4. Can you tell me the name and color of the yarn used in your last picture of the fingerless mitts? The one with the hand on the steering wheel.

    1. Hi there,
      I'm sorry but I no longer receive notifications of comments on my old blog. It's been so long since I knit these mitts I can't remember the exact color and name of the yarn I used, but my guess is it's Lion Brand Tweed Stripes in Caribbean color.
      Sorry for the delay in reply,

  5. Can you please clarify if the needle size is US 10 or UK 10 as they are vastly different and to add to the confusion I live in France! It would be better still if you used mm where there can be no confusion... US 10 = 6mm UK 10 =3.25mm Thank you in advance.

    1. Dear Charlee,
      I apologize for the delay in reply. This is my old blog and I no longer receive notifications of comments. This pattern uses US size 10 needles. Bonne chance avec les gaunts!
